Abduction 1 Read online
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Initiative: Reduced dramatically in all areas, excluding fulfilling sexual desire.
Martin nodded happily as he breezed over the results. He had to make sure to only ever call the asset Michelle from now on, so as not to undermine the conditioning. With a few quick taps of the keys, Martin shut down the program and prepared to meet HACC’s newest product.
Michelle blinked several times as the thrumming that had been her world for what felt like decades came to a stop. She looked around her and felt restraints on her wrists. She immediately became wet as she couldn’t move her arms. Her arousal only increased as she realised she was naked.
Meeting eyes with Martin, she smiled. ‘Hey there Martin, long time no see.’ Even such a basic pleasantry came out as a sultry purr. Her voice was rich and seductive, designed to lure in any and all males in the galaxy.
‘Good morning Michelle.’ Martin said, smiling inwardly. Her every mannerism, no matter how small seemed sexual ad flirtatious now. He was quite proud of himself. ‘Did you have a nice weekend?’
‘You know I don’t really remember too much.’ Michelle furrowed her brow, straining to think. She remembered there had been lots of sex. ‘Yes, it was definitely a good weekend.’ She said finally, flashing a dazzling smile at Martin.
‘I’m glad to hear it! Your training will start today, for your new life! Are you excited?’ Martin was analysing her every move for a defect in her programming. She had to be perfect for the client.
‘My new life…as a sex slave?’ Michelle asked, her memories of the last few days coming back to her. She smiled broadly again and responded in an ecstatic voice ‘I can’t wait! Do you think my owner will like me? Am I fuckable enough for them?’ The earnestness of the questions almost made Martin laugh but he was very careful to keep a straight face as he responded.
‘Yes Michelle, I can assure you your new owner will adore you. We only make the best at HACC you know!’ Martin tapped at his computer a few times and the restraints on Michelle’s arms and legs disappeared. ‘Let’s go meet the other girls shall we?’
Michelle bounded up off the table, filled with excitement. She was eager to learn with the other sexy girls. She instinctively stood with her hands behind her back, pushing out her gorgeous breasts as she waited for Martin to take the lead.
Martin stood and led her out of the room. They were in a hallway, made of the same uniform metal that had made up her processing chamber. As they were leaving, another alien of the same species as Martin was wheeling in another human on a levitating platform. The man was young and attractive. Michelle started to move towards him, the temptation to start licking his cock overcoming her.
Martin laughed behind her ‘No, no, not yet. Don’t worry, there will be plenty of that to come’ a tentacle arm grabbed her wrist and gently led her in the opposite direction. Michelle pouted but allowed herself to be led away, like a good girl.
They walked for a short time, passing identical doors, signs next to them identifying them as processing chambers. There must be hundreds aboard this ship Michelle thought to herself as they walked. The monotony of the corridor was broken, when a window appeared on Michelle’s right. Looking through it, she gasped. It overlooked a vast docking area. Even as she watched, ships came and went out of a shielded airlock that seemed to open up directly to the vacuum of space. There were ships of all sizes, from single-person scout vessels to large hundred-man corvettes. This ship must be beyond enormous!
Martin beckoned her to continue following and she did without question. She felt slightly embarrassed that she had disobeyed Martin so easily. She remembered that she took pride in being a good girl.
Martin led her to a lift, which they took up several levels before stepping out. The corridor they stepped into was quite different to the one she had just left. The previous one had been utilitarian and uniform, bare metal and with no decoration. This one had painted walls and a tiled floor, with art spaced neatly along its length. Martin continued to guide her and she followed dutifully. She noticed there were a lot more aliens up here, moving from room to room with purpose, paying her no mind at all.
As they walked, Michelle looked at the art on the walls, each depicting gorgeous human women performing elaborate and fantastic sex acts on aliens of different species. There was one creature that had a cock at least two feet long, drilling a woman with a massive ass. Michelle salivated at that one and she felt her ass yearning a good fucking.
Abruptly, Martin turned and led her into a room off the corridor. Following him in, it looked almost like a kind of dojo. Lined up neatly to one side, were a group of women, all of them clearly designed for sex.
An alien like Martin stood patiently in the centre of the room and nodded at them when they entered. ‘Thank you Martin, we’ll take good care of her.’ The new alien said, in voice Michelle recognised as female. She heard the door shut behind her and realised Martin had left. She felt very alone all of a sudden.
‘Hello everyone, my name is Ivy.’ Said the female alien. ‘I will be your instructor before you ladies go off to fulfil your new purposes, for your new owners.’ Ivy had a calming voice, and Michelle relaxed slightly. This is what she had been looking forward to.
‘Now, let’s see what your programming has amounted to so far, shall we.’ Ivy turned towards a tall woman at the end of the row. ‘Sarah, will you stand here please.’ Ivy indicated the space in front of her and Sarah walked over without hesitation. ‘And you, Michelle. Please come here.’ Michelle was walking towards here before she even realised her feet were moving. Standing next to Sarah, Michelle was suddenly aware that she was around six foot tall. She towered over Michelle, who now stood at around 5”4. Michelle seemed to remember there was a time when she was taller than Sarah, but that made no sense.
Sarah was pale, almost ghostly white with jet black hair that seemed to reflect the light slightly. Her eyes were almost feline in shape and were a lustrous emerald green. Her full lips were unsmiling at she looked at Michelle intently, like a wolf looking at a lamb. She had a gorgeous, firm body, still generously endowed with feminine curves. Her thick and muscular thighs led up to a glistening pussy that seemed to call to Michelle as she looked at it. She let her eyes lift however, to her narrow waist and finally large, and firm tits that seemed to defy gravity.
‘Now girls, fuck each other for our amusement.’ Ivy said casually. A part of Michelle’s mind thought this might be strange but instinctively and immediately, Michelle and Sarah wrapped their arms around each other and locked lips. Sarah was forceful as she shoved her tongue in Michelle’s mouth but Michelle loved it. She sucked on Sarah’s tongue, teasing it with her lips. Sarah grabbed Michelle’s ass, slowing spreading it before landing a sharp slap on her juicy cheek. Michelle jumped and let go of Sarah’s tongue. Immediately, Sarah reached down and put two fingers on Michelle’s clit. She lifted Michelle up on her tip-toes, applying painful pressure to her pussy.
‘I didn’t say stop’ Sarah said in a voice that dripped with command. Michelle, already wet felt a burst of arousal at the command and she opened her mouth obediently. Sarah looked down at her and smirked ‘Such a good little slut.’ And she pushed Michelle down to her knees.
Michelle didn’t even think of closing her mouth and Sarah took full advantage, grabbing Michelle’s head and shoving her face into Sarah’s pussy.
Michelle immediately began to eat out the delicious cunt. Sarah’s juices were so sweet, that Michelle didn’t think she could stop even if Sarah didn’t have her hand wrapped in her hair. At first, she teased Sarah, stroking and slowly rubbing her clit. Then she started probing deep into her, with long and dextrous licks. Sarah groaned as Michelle moved back up to her clit and started flicking it rapidly with her tongue. It didn’t take long for Sarah, to cum forcefully in Michelle’s greedy mouth. Michelle made sure to swallow every drop of the girl cum that flooded her mouth as she looked up into Sarah’s eyes.
As soon as the orgasm had passed, Sarah stepped away but ke
pt hold of Michelle’s head. Turning around, she revealed a muscular, perky and very round ass. ‘Time for dessert, my nasty little whore.’ And she shoved Michelle’s face between her cheeks.
Michelle knew what to do and immediately started to probe and tease Sarah’s rosebud. Sarah moaned happily and began grinding her ass up and down, rubbing it into Michelle face and forcing her eager tongue nice and deep. Michelle moaned happily and strained to push deep into Sarah’s ass.
‘Eager little slut aren’t we?’ Sarah laughed as she shook her ass side-to-side, keeping Michelle’s head firmly between her cheeks. Michelle moaned her ascent and unable to help herself, slipped her hand down to tease her clit, moaning all the harder as she tongue-fucked Sarah.
Sarah looked down at Michelle rubbing herself and turned around angrily. Pushing Michelle onto her back on the ground, she towered over the much smaller woman.
‘Did I say you could fucking touch yourself?’ All humour had left Sarah’s voice. ‘You needy little whore. You are going to concentrate when you eat me, understand?’ Sarah moved forward so swiftly, Michelle just had time to gasp in surprise. Sarah pinned Michelle’s arms to the side with her knees and sat on Michelle’s face. She immediately started grinding, rubbing her pussy all over Michelle’s face. The smell of her sweet juices flooded Michelle’s nose and she felt the sticky wetness as it rubbed all over her. She was being marked as property by this amazon of a woman and she fucking loved it. Pressing her weight down even harder, Sarah began riding Michelle in earnest, grinding her clit across Michelle’s tongue, rubbing it back and forth as fast as she could.
Michelle’s moans were muffled as Sarah lost herself in her riding. Her pussy ached for attention but with Sarah’s weight on her arms, she was completely unable to move. She began to whine in frustration, even as she was viscously face fucked. She couldn’t see anything but Sarah’s pussy, so she almost jumped in surprise when she felt Sarah’s hand reach back and start playing with her clit.
‘You’re going to cum you dirty litte slut, do you understand?’ Sarah’s voice, full of both command almost made Michelle moan with sheer arousal. ‘You’re going to cum because you’re my subby little slut and me using you like this gets you off. You’re going to cum because I fucking tell you to! Do you understand slut?’ Michelle moaned in response, trying to say she understood, but Sarah never stopped grinding on her tongue.
‘I can’t fucking hear you slut!’ Sarah ground her pussy even harder, even as she teased Michelle’s clit even faster. Michelle moaned as loudly as she could, feeling the orgasm building in her but knowing deep down, she could never cum without Sarah’s permission.
‘Good!’ Sarah said, breathless herself now, as her own orgasm built within her. Faster and faster she went, each stroke of her pussy building the wave inside her, even as Sarah’s finger did the same for Michelle. They were both moaning constantly now, their voices in concert as they were lost to the raw pleasure rocking their minds and bodies. Then, as one, they almost screamed their release, Sarah’s loud and confident and Michelle’s muffled but the flood of pussy juice in her mouth.
Sarah climbed off her and Michelle got unsteadily to her feet. She had completely forgotten about everyone else in the room. She looked at Ivy who nodded her approval and gestured for her to return to her classmate. Casually, she pointed at two more students ‘Now you.’
Life continued like this for a couple of days. The students would be tested against one another, each trying to outdo the other in showing off their sexual prowess. The competition was encouraged, pushing the students to be more creative and in some cases extreme in their efforts. Michelle didn’t think she would ever forget Amy, a student who specialised in anal sex, demanding more cock as she took two large and girthy futa cocks in her ass. Nor, did she think she would forget the spectacle of watching Sarah and another domme student, Diana, vie for supremacy in what seemed like some kind of hyper-sexual cage match.
She had been assigned a room with a bed, wardrobe and desk in it, so she could study up on various sexual techniques. Her wardrobe was filled with sexy clothes and lingerie, although she had been told while she was as student aboard the ship, she was to wear a student’s uniform. It was a tight fitting, white blouse that somehow portrayed both innocence and sexuality, at the same time. She had a tight fitting mini pencil skirt that showed the very bottom of her ass and moulded perfectly to the rest. She got a great thrill from that, knowing how she swayed when she walked, dragging every eye to an ass that promised so much fun.
Michelle awoke in her sleeping chamber one day to find a rota had been pinned to the inside of her door. It showed a schedule of what seemed to be classes, as well as a map of this floor of the ship, showing where each of the classes was held. She saw that this morning, she was scheduled for ‘Creative Initiative’. Excited, she put on her uniform, still loving the thrill of the short, tight skirt, and left her room.
Arriving at the classroom, she found it reasonably full already and took the first seat she saw. Slipping down into her chair, she was at the end of the front row and sat next to a woman she recognised as Jenny. Jenny was a rare specialisation, a lesbian nymphomaniac. She had long and luscious red hair and bright green, smokey eyes. Her features were delicate and very feminine. Her body was very curvy, with tits that spilled out of her EE bra, a tiny waist, a firm round ass and long smooth legs. She was the type of woman designed to be the epitome of everything sexual and female. Before her time on the ship, her memories were quite foggy, but the name ‘Jessica Rabbit' popped into her head when she looked at Jenny, though she had no idea who that was.
Jenny turned in her seat to look at Michelle as she sat down. She ostentatiously looked Michelle up and down and smiled a predatory smile. ‘You know that uniform looks simply delicious on you.’ Jenny's voice was deep and rich, full of teasing promise ‘We didn’t get to play together during our little test sessions did we?’ Jenny sounded regretful.
‘No, I don’t think we did.’ Michelle was more than a bit regretful herself. Jenny was gorgeous and when Michelle had seen her work in the dojo, she had been amazing. She had left many of her playmates limp and virtually broken as she rocked them with orgasm after orgasm, even as she claiming her own orgasms from them.
‘A great shame.’ Said Jenny ‘I’ll come over to your bunk tonight and we can discuss the matter' she said it as a plain fact. Michelle didn’t get to reply as at that moment, their instructor walked in. But she felt herself grow wet with anticipation.
‘Good morning ladies.’ Their instructor said with a strong, decidedly male voice. ‘My name is Arnold. Today, we will be going over your ability to be creative in sexual encounters. You will be with your owners for life and so, it is very important that you be able to think of new ways to pleasure them.’ Arnold spoke very quickly for one of the aliens and Michelle thought his barely restrained excitement may well be his normal predisposition.
Arnold brought out a device that looked like three circular sensors attached to a curved frame, about six inches long. ‘This is a device that will allow you to experience simulated situations that we will observe on this screen here.’ He pulled a remote from his pocket and clicked it, a large screen appearing out of the wall behind him. He consulted a register and pointed at Amy, who was sat two rows behind Michelle.
‘You’re up first my dear, come here please.’ Amy stood obediently and swayed her spectacular ass to the head of the class. Arnold places the device against her forehead where it stayed in place. Amy inhaled and her eyes glassed over as she froze in place. The screen came to life and words started to scrawl across it.
Simulation 1. Your owner has come home late from work and is stressed; they are currently in the shower and will be coming downstairs soon.
The screen then showed a room. It was only with the information that had been implanted into Michelle’s head during her conditioning that she recognised it as a living room, in a Gorevian style. Gorevian's were large mammal
s, with broads horned heads and thick, strong limbs. They were also famously well endowed. Michelle sighed at how lucky Amy was.
The screen was split into two viewpoints, one was a third person view that changed as Amy moved, always keeping her in frame. The other was what Amy herself was seeing at any given moment. Amy moved quickly, first looking down at her clothes to find herself wearing drab robes and no lingerie underneath. She opted for nakedness, stripping quickly and pushing the robes under the couch. She then bent over the couch, presenting her pussy and ass to the stairs as she began to vigorously rub and play with herself.
After a few minutes, her Gorevian owner walked down the stairs, slowing as he spotted her. He approached her slowly, taken aback it seemed. Amy looked over her shoulder at him. ‘Master, your little slave has worked herself into a frenzy, I’m afraid.’ Amy pouted prettily at him. ‘Will you please help me?’
With a bull-like snort the Gorevian approached the now grinning Amy, removing it’s robes as he did so. It’s appendage was at least two feet long and as thick as Michelle’s arm. As she watched the strong and rock-hard cock close in on the vulnerable slut, Michelle was intensely jealous. She bit her lip as he imagined the fun she could have with a dick like that to play with.
The Gorevian teased the tip of his massive cock up and down Amy's glistening pussy. She moaned in frustration, wiggling herself side-to-side, stroking her master’s cock, though not daring to push back onto it without permission. Her huge owner chuckled deeply at her obvious desperation, rubbing the length of his cock up and down her pussy, lathering it in her juices. ‘Please master I need it, I really, really need your cock inside me, oh please master fuck this little whore...’ Amy’s begging was ramping up in intensity as the teasing continued. The Gorevian began to slap her clit with the head of his cock, pulling little yells from Amy with each thud of the Gorevian's monster phallus.