Abduction 1 Read online
Mike tried with everything he had, yet he could not open his eyes. He couldn’t move either, very muscle in his body felt impossibly weak. Strangely, he did not feel tired or lethargic, his body simply refused to obey his commands. He could hear a soft humming coming from all around him. It was vaguely like being inside an aeroplane, but deeper and strangely alien, like the same noise being fed through distortion. There were the occasional echoes of other noises, but they were indistinct and distant, like he was hearing them from the bottom of a well.
He could feel the cold table that he lay upon. It seemed metallic in nature, hard and mercilessly unyielding. He could feel the straps on his arms and legs binding him tightly to the table. They seemed superfluous in his current state but whoever had taken him had obvious not wanted to take any chances. The air moved consistently around him and it tasted recycled and stale. He shivered slightly as the cold air blew over him and realised he was naked.
He managed to open his eyes, very slightly. He could not move his head and so could only stare at the dull grey ceiling. Like the table below him, it seemed to be made of metal. He blinked slowly and deliberately, each blink letting him open his eyes a little bit further. Eventually, he could move his head, though only slowly. Looking around, panic started to well up inside him. He was surrounded by instruments he had never seen before, yet they seemed medical in purpose. He definitely recognised the series of syringes laid out on the table, although he had no idea what was inside them.
He weakly tried to pull against the restraints but his attempts were pitiful at best. As time ticked by though, he seemed to be getting stronger. He wanted to cry out but he didn’t want to alert whoever had put him here. The restraints, made from some kind of leather, did not budge. He was still trying them, when one of his captures walked into the room. Mike could only gape.
The creature was short, around five feet tall. It had dark blue skin, the colour of the deep ocean. It walked on booted, humanoid legs, approaching Mike cautiously. The creature’s head was large and bulbous, with two small green eyes looking straight at him. Below that, were half a dozen protruding nubs, which seemed to quiver and flex constantly. Where the creature’s mouth should have been, there was a mass of tentacles, shifting slightly all the time, as if they could not find a comfortable position to rest. The being’s arms, mostly hidden inside a large purple robe, seemed to end in basic claspers, with two digits. However, on the wrists of the thing’s arms, were five tentacles, which mostly covered the claspers and seemed to provide it with its dexterity.
It turned its head and shouted something over its shoulder. Its language was a garbled series of clicks and warbles, though Mike sensed strain in the creature’s voice. It turned back to him, a considering look in its eyes. Then it walked to a nearby device, that Mike quickly realised was some kind of computer. Seemingly at his command, a robotic arm dropped from an alcove in the ceiling, a strange and sharply tipped device on the end of it. It pointed straight at Mike and begun to come closer, pointed directly between his eyes. Mike tried to scream, but before he could even shout out an invisible impact hit his head and he had to strain to maintain consciousness.
‘There, now we can be a bit more civilised.’ The creature spoke in what was amazingly, an upper class British accent. ‘Your brain can now fully comprehend our language and once the shock has worn off, you should be able to speak it too.’ The chipper tone was jarring with the ringing in Mike’s ears and all he could do at the moment was let his head sway back and forth as he tried to get his bearings.
‘So you are probably a bit confused as to where you are and what is happening.’ The being explained carefully. ‘My name is Martin, or I suppose that is the closest thing your mind can come up with to match my name.’ He chuckled as if sharing friendly banter. Mike was focussing on not throwing up on himself. ‘I work for the Human Appropriation and Customisation Corporation, or HACC for short. Our job is to wrangle up some humans from the wild and customise them to our client’s needs.’ Martin said cheerfully.
Some measure of sense was returning to Mike, enough that he could think to ask ‘Customise…how..?’ he slurred his words like a drunk but he was proud that he had managed even that much.
Martin started typing away at the computer, chatting conversationally as he worked. ‘Oh well, there’s all sorts really. Some people want them for arena fights, as they make cheap fodder for the more impressive species. Others like to use them in mines, you guys are big and strong enough and again, you’re cheap and easy to replace.’ If someone could be said to be smirking purely with their tone of voice, Martin managed it ‘Of course, the vast majority want humans as…pleasure models.’ Mike had been working his head around the horror of being thrown into a colosseum or worked to death on a foreign world, when Martin’s last sentence sank in.
‘Pleasure…models?’ Less slurring this time, that was good.
‘Yes, of course!’ Replied Martin cheerfully ‘Humans are actually the most attractive species in the galaxy. Can’t really put my finger on why, no one can. But there is just something about you that gets the blood going, you know?’ Martin’s mouth tentacles writhed in a way that Mike didn’t like.
‘So…you’re going to…make me…a sex slave?’ Mike just about managed to inject indignation and disgust into his words.
Martin snorted or at least, that’s what Mike assumed the noise was. ‘Would you prefer the alternative? I have been to the arenas you know and trust me, you would not like being eaten by a Slicarin Blood Worm. They digest their prey alive.’
Martin did some kind of ripple with his arms that Mike interpreted as a shrug ‘Nope. You, you lucky devil, are off to pleasure someone for the rest of your days. Probably some rich, horny bugger in the Core worlds. More money than sense, that lot. Still, keeps me in the job.’ With a final few taps, Martin turned to face Mike as the entire room seemed to spring to life with mechanical arms. One of them, seemed to end in a long and bulbous, hollow tube. A sound began to emanate from it and Mike fell back onto the table, stunned as his brain was bombarded. The sound seemed to echo through every nook and cranny of his body, although it was only aimed at his head. Mike couldn’t move, he couldn’t even think. But his brain was not inactive.
Images flew through Mike’s mind. The sexiest women he had ever seen flashed by him. The best sexual experiences of his life were relived, over and over again. Meanwhile the deep, thrumming sound overrode all thought. It shook through his whole body, each beat shaking him to his very core. After some time, it could have been seconds, it could have been years, the sound stopped. A short time later, Mike was able to think, then move and then finally speak.
‘What…what the fuck was that?’ Mike croaked.
‘Hmmm?’ Martin said distractedly, still looking at the computer screen. ‘Oh that was just one of our devices analysing your psyche and brain in order to create the best conditioning program for you. Better let your brain rest a little bit first though.’ Martin started tapping away at the computer keys, muttering under his breath as he worked.
After a few minutes, Martin stood and took the first of the syringes, one filled with a bright red liquid.
‘This one will amplify your sex drive.’ Martin explained as he approached with the syringe ‘By about thirty times. It will also help the conditioning process along, for obvious reasons.’ Without any ceremony Martin stuck the needle into Mike’s neck and Mike could feel a deep warmth emanating from his neck. It was almost like a fever spreading throughout his body, from the point of impact. The rush of it was hard to handle at first, as if every cell in his body awakened with an unnatural need. Mike cried out once it reached his groin, his cock going so erect it hurt.
‘Fuck! Oh holy shit, what the fuck?!’ He needed to fuck someone. Ever
y primal urge in his body demanded he break free and hunt down the nearest woman. He started to shout wordlessly in frustrated anger.
‘Yep, better get this one in there.’ Martin said, this time wielding a syringe with a dark brown liquid in it. Ignoring Mike shouting madly at him, Martin stuck the needle in almost exactly the same place as before. ‘This one will boost your metabolism, your constitution and endurance.’ Martin said, having to raise his voice over Mike’s incoherent yelling. ‘It will make you able to go pretty much perpetually. There are DNA repairing cells in there too, which will stop you aging. Kind of necessary with the metabolic boost.’
Mike felt stronger than he ever had in his life. He watched as virtually all fat was stripped from his body and his muscles bulged. He had so much energy! Combined with the effects of the previous serum, Martin was now virtually rabid. Martin was already wielding the next syringe and rushing over to the table. The human was making quite a racket and it always made him nervous to have a physically boosted subject in a blind, horny rage. Martin injected the hot pink liquid into Mike’s neck and stepped back. ‘This one…well, you’ll find out.’
Mike felt a tingle flowing from his neck, like a ripple of static flowing through his blood. It spread up to his face and he suddenly felt very itchy. His head and facial hair fell out, landing on his chest and on the table. The itching didn’t stop though as long, dark brown locks flowed from his scalp. It was the type of thick, lustrous hair women spent years and thousands of dollars trying to cultivate.
He felt his facial features twisting and popping, reforming themselves as his every cell was re-written. Soon, a cute ski-slop nose appeared to replace his old one. He went temporarily blind as his eyes changed from dull brown, to startling blue. His lips swelled and he became hyper-aware of his tongue as it became supernaturally dexterous.
He looked down and watched as first, all his body hair fell out, as well as his arm, leg and pubic hair. His arms, shrank down in front of him, becoming elegant and slim. His legs did the same, seeming to lengthen at the same time. They became the legs of a supermodel. His waist shrunk even as his hips grew out. You could now circle Mike’s waist with two hands, but with his hips so wide he now had an amazing hourglass figure.
He felt himself being pushed up off the table as his ass began to expand. He could not see but he thought he would be making a Kardashian blush. Like his tongue, Mike had become hyper aware of his ass, as if new nerves had grown there. They had in fact, pleasure sensors spreading to obscene levels, making it spectacularly erogenous. One touch of it, would make Mike very compliant from now on, not to mention make him positively eager for anal sex.
The muscle definition on his body disappeared, even as it remained both slim and incredibly strong. As his chest muscles softened though, his chest continued to grow out. His chest swelled, as a full and perky pair of breasts sprouted on him, tipped in small pink nipples. Mike found himself longing to touch them. The air blowing over them, was enough to crave lips on his sensitive nipples.
Finally, his penis and testicles shrank and disappeared replaced by a neat and pretty pussy. As hard as his now vanished cock had been, Mike was incredibly wet now. The effects of the previous cocktails put into him had not faded in the slightest, though Mike supposed he would be a lesbian now. He could not even summon the will to mourn his lost body, he desperately needed a woman to fuck.
‘Just the one more now, then the conditioning can start’ Martin said kindly. A light blue liquid in this syringe, it seemed to absorb the light in the room. Before Mike could even think to respond, the needle was in his neck.
‘This one will make you nice and relaxed’ said Martin. Indeed, even as he said it, Mike felt his every muscle ease and he entered a calm trance. ‘It will also make you incredibly suggestible.’ Martin said tapping at the computer with a flourish. The bulbous hollow tube moved back into position and the other arms moved into a position of readiness. Martin was moving towards the door, he called over his shoulder ‘That’s me done for the weekend! Enjoy and I’ll see you in a few days.’ The automatic door shut behind him and the thrumming noise began again.
Like before, all conscious thought was blown from Mike’s mind. He could do nothing but accept whatever thoughts were put into his mind by the machine. Like before there were images and experiences going through his head. Sometimes they just drifted through, other times he relived entire weekends of hot sex. Now though, there was a voice in his head, telling him things. He could not describe the voice precisely, it was like thought made manifest. It seemed to emulate every authority figure Mike had ever known and he listened to it and believed it without question.
You call yourself Michael.
The images changed to scenes of disgust and pain. Things Mike wished he could forget. Things he had thought he had forgotten.
You should not do this.
Scenes of what Mike could only describe as honesty flew before him. Owning up to mistakes, standing up for others, confessing problems to his friends. It made him feel, relieved.
Mike is a male name.
Mike felt the disgust again, this time though, he felt the sensation just before the images came.
You have the body of a female.
The arousing images were back. The experiences were back to, but this time Mike saw them from the perspective of the women he had fucked. He felt every touch, every caress and every inch of his own cock. Unknown to Mike, the machine was stimulating the part of his brain that caused arousal and supressing the part that caused disgust. It was rewriting him.
You are aroused by sex as a female.
More arousing images and experiences. This time they were not all his though. He was fucking women as a woman. He was fucking men as a woman. In every frame, he was loving it. There was no part of his mind that was allowed any displeasure at the idea of sex as woman.
You are a female.
All the images were first person now, drilling the female identity deep into Mike’s mind. The machine was especially stressing the sex with men now, especially the extreme submissive acts it was putting into Mike’s brain. Mike saw with her own eyes, as she wiggled her mouth over a massive cock, felt it as it slid down her throat. She felt the deep sense of achievement as she buried her nose in the public hair of the man she was sucking off.
She was looking down as she bounced on a dildo in her soaking wet pussy. Felt every ridge as it slid into her, drawing moans from her full lips. She felt herself bite her lip and she up lubed herself and then her other dildo. She felt the intense pleasure as she stretched out her virgin ass. She felt the jubilation as she bottomed out on it. She had learned two things about herself that day. She loved anal sex and that she could never have enough cock inside her.
You are not Mike. You are Michelle.
Scenes of triumph and discovery went off in Michelle’s brain. She remembered the time she had finally cracked a maths question that had tormented her on a test. She saw the first time she finished an adult book.
Michelle is a slut.
Michelle remembered all the crazy nights she had had. She remembered pulling a guy out of a bar to have him fuck her in an alley. Then she came back into the bar to fuck the friend he had brought along.
She remembered the time she had gotten three guys to fuck her, one in each hole and how disappointed she had felt when she outlasted all three of them.
She remembered fucking her boyfriend’s sister, making her a secret girlfriend, because the idea of being wanted so badly by two people in the same house and family, made incredibly horny.
Michelle is a submissive slut.
Michelle remembered being tied to a bed, being fucked by a huge guy as his wife rode Michelle’s dirty little tongue.
Michelle remembered being at a party. She was bent over on a bed, naked. She was biting a pillow as everyone who wanted to fucked her perfect ass, because her boyfriend told her to.
She remembered her girlfriend putting a remote control vibrator in her pu
ssy and a remote control vibrating buttplug in her ass. She made Michelle walk around in a maid costume at a dinner party, serving their guests. It took all of Michelle’s strength not to drop the drinks as she was made to cum, again and again and again.
You call yourself Michael.
The experience looped then, each time around seeming to take months in Mike’s or rather Michelle’s mind. It in fact had only taken two or three minutes, but it would be looped over and over, night and day for the next three days.
As she went through this, the other mechanical arms went to work. Some inserted themselves into her various holes, to ensure they could take the punishment they were to endure. All results came back satisfactory. Her ass could take any sized appendage and still grip it tightly, to enhance pleasure. Her pussy would conformed itself to the shape of any appendage put into it, ensuring maximum stimulation. Her mouth had been slightly reshaped, in order to better accommodate anything put into it to fuck her lips. She had also completely had her gag reflex removed.
Other arms were scanning her body, taking measurement and registering them in the company database. This was so Michelle would have a full sexy wardrobe to wear once she met her new owner.
Various analysis was also done on any mental resistance she tried to her conditioning, no matter how small. This would shape Michelle’s training program, while she was en route for delivery. All was going as planned for Michelle and her new life as a sex toy.
Martin hummed to himself as he walked through the door to Michelle’s processing chamber, a few days later. Sitting himself down, he sighed and looked over the progress the machines had made.
New identity: Michelle
Sex Subtype: Bratty Submissive
New IQ: 132